Check out some of these moments…and feel free to contribute your own at [email protected].
...roller skates with keys,jacks, hula hoops, marbles, trading cards, bikes with no hand brakes and fat tires and a card pinned to the spokes that went clickety-click wax lipsand black mustaches, little cartons of chocolate milk and Dreamsicles in the cafeteria, going home for lunch, penny candy, Dubble Bubble with comics, Blackjack gum, colored dots on long paper strips, candy cigarettes
...playing hide and seek,being outside all summer, climbing trees, building forts, lying on the grass looking for shapes in clouds, playing cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians, going to the crowded pool at Memorial Park to see who else was there
...Howdy Doody,Mickey Mouse Club with Spin and Marty, Texas Bruce, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Groucho Marx, The Early Show, all in black & white on a TV with a small screen that took minutes to warm up, reading Nancy Drew or Hardy Boy mysteries and those orange biographies
...pajama parties,staying up all night at sleepovers, jumping on the bed, having pillow fights, laughing so hard that your stomach hurt
...45 records,walking everywhere: to Jon’s from Hixson, to “downtown Webster” or Old Orchard, having an ice cream soda at Velvet Freeze or browsing Webster Records for 45s, buying a baseball at Smith’s Sporting Goods, going to the Ozark Theater to see “Rodan,” holding hands with your first crush
...sock hops,Pep Club, assemblies, “Spin the Bottle,” prom in the high school gym (not a hotel), the “Stroll,” Hi-Y and Tri Hi-Y, telephone prefixes of Woodland and Taylor instead of numbers stamps,finally getting your license, cruising in the uncool family sedan listening to Chubby Checkers and Bobby Darin on the radio, doing Chinese fire drills, pooling your money and buying three gallons of gas pumped by an attendant who checked the oil and washed the windshield and gave you green stamps, to boot
...chewing gum in class,when the worst things you could do at school were smoke in the bathrooms, flunk a test, chew gum in class or wear culottes
Hope you can all say, "Yeah, I remember that" with a sentimental grin on your face.