Before Our 50th Reunion I Plan to...
A few of you submitted these thoughts at the time of our 25th Reunion. How did they turn out?
A few of you submitted these thoughts at the time of our 25th Reunion. How did they turn out?
"work for world peace and thin thighs." (Betsey Anderson)
"travel around the world." (Susan Banks)
"have paid enough into my IRA plan to buy an RV and travel the USA." (Carolyn Baugh) [deceased]
"get kids educated and enjoy life with my wife." (Jack Buchheit)
"try parasailing." (Ann Chase)
"lose weight." (Trish Collins)
"put two daughters through college and not become senile." (Ellen Detering)
"make the most of each day." (Jean Dickinson)
"achieve the discipline necessary to write good fiction." (Bob Drake)
"hopefully see my children reach adulthood. To build my own financial, physical, & mental security. To continue in my profession and see where else it leads me. To visit Hawaii again. And, as I accomplish these, find someone with the same interest and concerns I have about life." (Sandy Edwards)
"be comfortable." (Kit Epstein)
"become disgustingly skinny!" (Kris Fisher)
"love and live as joyfully and usefully as I'm able; to be a doting grandmother; to travel some; to grow and learn; and to fight fat!" (Jane Fisler)
"RETIRE!" (Dale Frederickson)
"lose 50 pounds, get rich and retire, perhaps in that order." (Bob Gentry)
"celebrate 25 birthdays and anniversaries." (Naomi Giger)
"visit the top 20 dive locations in the world." (Joe Goeke)
"learn to draw, and/or paint." (Judy Goodenough)
"retire and travel a lot." (Sue Griffin)
"not have lost any more close friends such as Kathy Simpson." (Judy Hanson)
"quit having nightmares about forgetting my locker combination or showing up in class with the wrong books." (Susanna Harter) [deceased]
"retire and travel around the world again--at a leisurely pace." (Linda Johnson)
"travel to distant lands." (Joyce Kinney)
"just enjoy my life." (Linda Liggett)
"be very wealthy." (Andy McLean) [deceased]
"get my boys through college." (Gayle Miltenberger)
"stop having children." (Larry Mitchener)
"finish climbing all 53 14,000+ foot peaks in Colorado." (Gentry Moss)
"eat, drink, make merry and survive, so I can show up." (Pam Paiva)
"get a job." (Grigson Pickens) [deceased]
"retire to Arizona." (Don Polley)
"lose 25 pounds." (Tom Pope)
"age." (Jerry Schaeffer) [Unfortunately, Jerry died in 2008.]
"quit smoking." (Dave Schroeder)
"be a millionaire (who wouldn't)--living a life of total luxury!" (Dianne Schwarz)
"lose weight, get contacts, have a facelift and lie about my age." (Juanita Scott)
"finish raising my children, live in a house with a lot of great windows, and travel, travel, travel." (Susan See)
"turn into a slightly crazy old lady. I want to drink Scotch out of a hollow cane in public places and flirt unashamedly with young men. I will be outrageous and people will say I'm cute." (TJ Sewall)
"summon up enough courage to come [to the reunion]. There were still some mean people around at the last one, but, surely, everyone has mellowed and matured into nicer people by this time." (Beverly Smith)
"have retired to a warmer climate and learn to play golf!" (Neal Tanner)
"become a grandfather." (Dennis Tucker)
"I hope my children are successfully taking care of themselves. I also hope we have some money left, after paying for college, to do some traveling. And if my calculations are correct, I should be well into retirement." (Jan Wahlfeld)
"retire to the Maine coast and buy a lobster boat." (Rich Wassall) [he's in Montana]
"retire." (Jim Lay Watts)
"have written a book describing our personal Greek odyssey during the summer of 1984, and to have sold the rights to a network for a television mini-series." (Karen Younger)
"travel around the world." (Susan Banks)
"have paid enough into my IRA plan to buy an RV and travel the USA." (Carolyn Baugh) [deceased]
"get kids educated and enjoy life with my wife." (Jack Buchheit)
"try parasailing." (Ann Chase)
"lose weight." (Trish Collins)
"put two daughters through college and not become senile." (Ellen Detering)
"make the most of each day." (Jean Dickinson)
"achieve the discipline necessary to write good fiction." (Bob Drake)
"hopefully see my children reach adulthood. To build my own financial, physical, & mental security. To continue in my profession and see where else it leads me. To visit Hawaii again. And, as I accomplish these, find someone with the same interest and concerns I have about life." (Sandy Edwards)
"be comfortable." (Kit Epstein)
"become disgustingly skinny!" (Kris Fisher)
"love and live as joyfully and usefully as I'm able; to be a doting grandmother; to travel some; to grow and learn; and to fight fat!" (Jane Fisler)
"RETIRE!" (Dale Frederickson)
"lose 50 pounds, get rich and retire, perhaps in that order." (Bob Gentry)
"celebrate 25 birthdays and anniversaries." (Naomi Giger)
"visit the top 20 dive locations in the world." (Joe Goeke)
"learn to draw, and/or paint." (Judy Goodenough)
"retire and travel a lot." (Sue Griffin)
"not have lost any more close friends such as Kathy Simpson." (Judy Hanson)
"quit having nightmares about forgetting my locker combination or showing up in class with the wrong books." (Susanna Harter) [deceased]
"retire and travel around the world again--at a leisurely pace." (Linda Johnson)
"travel to distant lands." (Joyce Kinney)
"just enjoy my life." (Linda Liggett)
"be very wealthy." (Andy McLean) [deceased]
"get my boys through college." (Gayle Miltenberger)
"stop having children." (Larry Mitchener)
"finish climbing all 53 14,000+ foot peaks in Colorado." (Gentry Moss)
"eat, drink, make merry and survive, so I can show up." (Pam Paiva)
"get a job." (Grigson Pickens) [deceased]
"retire to Arizona." (Don Polley)
"lose 25 pounds." (Tom Pope)
"age." (Jerry Schaeffer) [Unfortunately, Jerry died in 2008.]
"quit smoking." (Dave Schroeder)
"be a millionaire (who wouldn't)--living a life of total luxury!" (Dianne Schwarz)
"lose weight, get contacts, have a facelift and lie about my age." (Juanita Scott)
"finish raising my children, live in a house with a lot of great windows, and travel, travel, travel." (Susan See)
"turn into a slightly crazy old lady. I want to drink Scotch out of a hollow cane in public places and flirt unashamedly with young men. I will be outrageous and people will say I'm cute." (TJ Sewall)
"summon up enough courage to come [to the reunion]. There were still some mean people around at the last one, but, surely, everyone has mellowed and matured into nicer people by this time." (Beverly Smith)
"have retired to a warmer climate and learn to play golf!" (Neal Tanner)
"become a grandfather." (Dennis Tucker)
"I hope my children are successfully taking care of themselves. I also hope we have some money left, after paying for college, to do some traveling. And if my calculations are correct, I should be well into retirement." (Jan Wahlfeld)
"retire to the Maine coast and buy a lobster boat." (Rich Wassall) [he's in Montana]
"retire." (Jim Lay Watts)
"have written a book describing our personal Greek odyssey during the summer of 1984, and to have sold the rights to a network for a television mini-series." (Karen Younger)